# About

# Meet the team behind Horizon

# Jan Anders

Truck simulation kafka connector, large endless simulation, fleetSim dockerization, weather enrichment, DB management, Azure storage, frontend requirement conformity, deployment, final code refactoring and cleanup, documentation.

Business Information Systems and Digital Media
Stuttgart Media University

# Felix Bieswanger

Data exploration of multiple data sources, prototype dashboard and fundamental streaming architecture implementation, dockerization of spark and frontend application, initial deployment, flask API, kafka streaming and data pipeline engineering.

Business Information Systems and Digital Media
Stuttgart Media University

# Sebastian Hermann

Business understanding and research, design research, mockup development, interaction planning and layouting, frontend library selection, data requirements, frontend development and modularization, API fetching, docker, deployment, documentation.

Business Information Systems and Digital Media
Stuttgart Media University

# David Rundel

Prototyping, CI pipeline for old deployment account, horizontal pod autoscaling for prototype, speed layer data engineering, entire batch-layer: data exploration, gradient boosting model, experiments with neural networks for delay prediction, documentation.

Buisness Information Systems and Digital Media
Stuttgart Media University

# Anja Stütz

Design Thinking, extensive research about truck fleets, their cost factors and how they are calculated, subsequent extension of the truck simulation, data quality insurance, frontend, design, final presentation and documentation.

Information Science
Stuttgart Media University

# Meet the lecturers

# Prof. Dr. Jan Kirenz

Professor for Data Science, Statistics and ML
Stuttgart Media University

# Nicolas Röhrig
